الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2014

World leaders: if you cannot protect human spirits, do not brag about the flesh!

World leaders: if you cannot protect human spirits, do not brag about the flesh!

O Allah clean our hearts with rain and snow.

O Allah clean our hearts with rain and snow.

“Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe."

“Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe."

Pain is passing so we should not create a statue of it.

Pain is passing so we should not create a statue of it.

I talked about happiness until my subconscious learned to live it

I talked about happiness until my subconscious learned to live it

Being close to Allah doubles your happiness

Being close to Allah doubles your happiness

Think how you build your life not how to destroy others' lives

Think how you build your life not how to destroy others' lives

"By the morning when it brightens" (Quran 81:18), when it does it praised the Supreme Lord. O Lord, brighten our day and give us happiness.

"By the morning when it brightens" (Quran 81:18), when it does it praised the Supreme Lord. O Lord, brighten our day and give us happiness.

“Many praises be to Allah – Lord of the Universe - in all conditions."

“Many praises be to Allah – Lord of the Universe - in all conditions."

Salam. Good morning! “Praise be to Allah who clothed me with what covers my nakedness and with what I adorn myself among the people.”

Salam. Good morning! “Praise be to Allah who clothed me with what covers my nakedness and with what I adorn myself among the people.”

“o Allah! I come to You as a beggar, fearful, seeking refuge, so do not change my status, and do not alter my body, and forgive me.”

“o Allah! I come to You as a beggar, fearful, seeking refuge, so do not change my status, and do not alter my body, and forgive me.”

Happiness is not something that you wait for, but something that you look for.

Happiness is not something that you wait for, but something that you look for.

I know someone who misunderstands others' statement and then argue against the things that were misunderstood in the first place!

I know someone who misunderstands others' statement and then argue against the things that were misunderstood in the first place!

Why I invest all my effort and time for this world if I do not trust it.

Why I invest all my effort and time for this world if I do not trust it.

There is nothing better than a repenter's tear

There is nothing better than a repenter's tear

أعمالنا في هذه الحياة هي غِراس لحياتنا في الآخرة، الأمر الذي يستدعي منا إحسان هذه الغِراس.

أعمالنا في هذه الحياة هي غِراس لحياتنا في الآخرة، الأمر الذي يستدعي منا إحسان هذه الغِراس.

يقول ﷺ: "مايكون عندي من خير فلن أدّخره عنكم".متفق عليه. فلم يبق من خير إلا ودلنا عليه ولا من شر إلا حذرنا منه؛ فهو أهل لأن يُحب لإحسانه إلينا.

يقول ﷺ: "مايكون عندي من خير فلن أدّخره عنكم".متفق عليه.
فلم يبق من خير إلا ودلنا عليه ولا من شر إلا حذرنا منه؛ فهو أهل لأن يُحب لإحسانه إلينا.

جديد2014 أنشودة هذا هو الاسلام ( روعه )


الشيخ إياد بن جاسر - تأويل القرآن 5


الخميس، 18 ديسمبر 2014

And never say of anything, “Indeed, I will do that tomorrow,” except [when adding], “If Allah wills.” (18:23)

And never say of anything, “Indeed, I will do that tomorrow,” except [when adding], “If Allah wills.” (18:23)

What the Almighty has given, no one can take away. What He has denied, no one can give. So call out to Him and ONLY HIM.

What the Almighty has given, no one can take away. What He has denied, no one can give. So call out to Him and ONLY HIM.

Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.

Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.

"The word of Allāh is the medicine of the Heart."

Have you ever seen what happens to a fish out of water? It dies right? Same goes for the Heart. If a person doesn't perform thikr, then his/her heart will die and he/she will have no Imaan. Keep doing thikr insha Allah.

Let's take two seconds to say ALHAMDULILLAH

Let's take two seconds to say ALHAMDULILLAH

When feeling burdened, pray with all your heart and feel those burdens fall off your shoulders as you submit humbly to Allah in sujood.

When feeling burdened, pray with all your heart and feel those burdens fall off your shoulders as you submit humbly to Allah in sujood.

May Allah forgive us all and give us the Tawfeeq to do deeds which lead us to #Jannah. Ameen

May Allah forgive us all and give us the Tawfeeq to do deeds which lead us to #Jannah. Ameen

In Jannah are things an eye has never seen, an ear has never heard, and a mind can't even imagine [Bukhari]

In Jannah are things an eye has never seen, an ear has never heard, and a mind can't even imagine [Bukhari]

Whoever walks with his brother, to help fulfill a need of his, every step taken will be sadaqah

Whoever walks with his brother, to help fulfill a need of his, every step taken will be sadaqah

The hijab doesn't cover your beauty. It just preserves it for the ones that deserves it.

The hijab doesn't cover your beauty. It just preserves it for the ones that deserves it.

A true believer does not have any doubt in Allah assisting him, and that Allah's help is coming forth even if it is after some time. "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers" (3:139).

A true believer does not have any doubt in Allah assisting him, and that Allah's help is coming forth even if it is after some time. "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers" (3:139).

سورة يس Surat Ya-Seen - فورشباب


صلى عليك الله ياعلم الهدى ما هبت النسائم وما ناحت على الأيك الحمائم اللهم صَلِّ على محمد..

صلى عليك الله ياعلم الهدى 
ما هبت النسائم
وما ناحت على الأيك الحمائم
اللهم صَلِّ على محمد..

الجمعة، 12 ديسمبر 2014

Our Lord always tests us if we can say and do to ourselves what we say to others, and vice versa.

Our Lord always tests us if we can say and do to ourselves what we say to others, and vice versa.

Talk about God's blessings, because you're yourself is one of them

Talk about God's blessings, because you're yourself is one of them

O Allah apportion for us from Your fear that which would remove us from Your disobedience"

O Allah apportion for us from Your fear that which would remove us from Your disobedience"

This world is a bridge and you cannot build your permanent house on a bridge.

This world is a bridge and you cannot build your permanent house on a bridge.

I learned not to stop at the negative barriers, but to consider them like hurdles that I should jump.

I learned not to stop at the negative barriers, but to consider them like hurdles that I should jump.

eing close to Allah doubles your happiness

eing close to Allah doubles your happiness

“Allah sends His Blessings on the Prophet and also His angels too. O you who believe! Send your prayers on him and greet him" (33:56)

“Allah sends His Blessings on the Prophet and also His angels too. O you who believe! Send your prayers on him and greet him" (33:56)

“O Allah! I seek Your protection from a bad fate and a bad destiny and a look that is harmful to my family, property and children.”

“O Allah! I seek Your protection from a bad fate and a bad destiny and a look that is harmful to my family, property and children.”

"By the morning when it brightens" (Quran 81:18), when it does it praised the Supreme Lord. O Lord, brighten our day and give us happiness.

"By the morning when it brightens" (Quran 81:18), when it does it praised the Supreme Lord. O Lord, brighten our day and give us happiness.

Lord! Your forgiveness is greater than my sins and I'm more hopeful of Yr mercy than of my actions, forgive my sins O Living who never dies!

Lord! Your forgiveness is greater than my sins and I'm more hopeful of Yr mercy than of my actions, forgive my sins O Living who never dies!

Happiness is not something that you wait for, but something that you look for.

Happiness is not something that you wait for, but something that you look for.

Talk to God directly not through "mediators", or "representatives" who spoke falsely in His name Almighty

Talk to God directly not through "mediators", or "representatives" who spoke falsely in His name Almighty

Even if you decide to wipe off the species of ants, you cannot do it. Why you want to eliminate all your enemies? try to understand them.

Even if you decide to wipe off the species of ants, you cannot do it. Why you want to eliminate all your enemies? try to understand them.

“O Allah! Make Your love more beloved to me than my self, my hearing, my sight, my family, my wealth and cool water.”

“O Allah! Make Your love more beloved to me than my self, my hearing, my sight, my family, my wealth and cool water.”

“In the name of Allah, (O Allah!) bless for us from what you have given us of sustenance and upon You do we rely for its replenishment.”

“In the name of Allah, (O Allah!) bless for us from what you have given us of sustenance and upon You do we rely for its replenishment.”

“People must cease neglecting Jumah prayers, or else Allah will put a seal over their hearts and they will truly be among the negligent.”

“People must cease neglecting Jumah prayers, or else Allah will put a seal over their hearts and they will truly be among the negligent.”

“Allah sends His Blessings on the Prophet and also His angels too.

“Allah sends His Blessings on the Prophet and also His angels too. O you who believe! Send your prayers on him and greet him" (33:56)

I complained to my mentor, "I read a book but never remember it." He replied: you might not remember the food U ate but U surely digested it

I complained to my mentor, "I read a book but never remember it." He replied: you might not remember the food U ate but U surely digested it

والله مازلت أعجب ممن يعرف أن أعظم نعمة في حياته كلام الله، وهو لا يتلو كتابه كل يوم بتدبر، ولا يختمه كل شهر.

والله مازلت أعجب ممن يعرف أن أعظم نعمة في حياته كلام الله، وهو لا يتلو كتابه كل يوم بتدبر، ولا يختمه كل شهر.

الثلاثاء، 2 ديسمبر 2014

هي جنة - حمود الخضر (بدون موسيقى)
