الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2017

الإستغفار: إزالة هم، وتفريج غم، وتكفير ذنب، واطمئنان قلب، وجلب للرزق. أستغفر الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه

الإستغفار: إزالة هم، وتفريج غم، وتكفير ذنب، واطمئنان قلب، وجلب للرزق.
أستغفر الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه

يوماً ما، ستنسى تلك الأشياء التي أبعدها الله عنك وتألمت لأجلها ستنساها لأن الله سيرزقك أشياء لم تتوقعها أفضل منها بكثير سيرزقك ما كُنت تحلم به وتتمناه، وسيبعد عنك كُل ما يضرك ! الله وحده من سيجبر وجع قلبك، لأنه وحده من يعلم بكل ألمك

يوماً ما، ستنسى تلك الأشياء التي أبعدها الله عنك وتألمت لأجلها
ستنساها لأن الله سيرزقك أشياء لم تتوقعها أفضل منها بكثير
سيرزقك ما كُنت تحلم به وتتمناه، وسيبعد عنك كُل ما يضرك !
 الله وحده من سيجبر وجع قلبك، لأنه وحده من يعلم بكل ألمك

الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2017

O Our Lord, purify our hearts. Forgive us. Pardon us.

O Our Lord, purify our hearts.
Forgive us.
Pardon us.

O Allah, we ask you for a life full of success, knowledge free of ignorance, actions free of riyaa' (showing off), speech upon guidance, and a life that follows the truth. O my Lord!

O Allah, we ask you for a life full of success, knowledge free of ignorance, actions free of riyaa' (showing off), speech upon guidance, and a life that follows the truth.
O my Lord!

O Allah, with your aid, we reach morning (and evening). Forgive me and them. Pardon our sins, O Lord of the worlds. I love you for the sake of Allah, and make du'aa for you.

O Allah, with your aid, we reach morning (and evening).
Forgive me and them.
Pardon our sins, O Lord of the worlds.
I love you for the sake of Allah, and make du'aa for you.

The blame isn't upon the one who doesn't accept the advice, rather the blame is upon the who one who gives it in an inappropriate manner.

The blame isn't upon the one who doesn't accept the advice, rather the blame is upon the who one who gives it in an inappropriate manner.

When people realize that we notice their good deeds, as we notice their bad deeds, they will accept advice from us.

When people realize that we notice their good deeds, as we notice their bad deeds, they will accept advice from us.

Speak to people about what they enjoy listening to, and not what you enjoy talking about.

Speak to people about what they enjoy listening to, and not what you enjoy talking about.

A woman may be patient if her husband is poor, not good looking, or very busy... But rarely can she be patient if he has bad character.

A woman may be patient if her husband is poor, not good looking, or very busy... But rarely can she be patient if he has bad character.

Treat people based on the fact that they are humans; not based on their appearance, wealth, or occupation.

Treat people based on the fact that they are humans; not based on their appearance, wealth, or occupation.

Purify your intention, so that your skills in dealing with others can become an act of worship that brings you closer to Allah.

Purify your intention, so that your skills in dealing with others can become an act of worship that brings you closer to Allah.

Every person has a key, and knowing a specific person's personality and nature will give you the key for that person.

Every person has a key, and knowing a specific person's personality and nature will give you the key for that person.

Make your decision with the intent of pleasing Allah, seek Allah's aid, and make duaa to Allah that He aids you in quitting smoking."

Make your decision with the intent of pleasing Allah, seek Allah's aid, and make duaa to Allah that He aids you in quitting smoking."

"And he makes permissible for them what is good, and prohibits upon them what is filthy." (7:157)

"And he makes permissible for them what is good, and prohibits upon them what is filthy." (7:157)

The best callers (to Islam) are the ones who call through their actions before their words.

The best callers (to Islam) are the ones who call through their actions before their words.

O Allah grant them a wondeful evening, and forgive me and them.

O Allah grant them a wondeful evening, and forgive me and them.

صلاتك أولاً ثم اطلـب من الله ما شِئت

صلاتك أولاً
 ثم اطلـب من الله ما شِئت

الاثنين، 6 فبراير 2017

Not everything a person wants he attains... The winds blow in ways not desired by the (people of the) ships.

Not everything a person wants he attains... The winds blow in ways not desired by the (people of the) ships.

"Their messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they returned their hands to their mouths."

"Their messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they returned their hands to their mouths." (14:9)
Abdur-Razzaaq: The rejected what the messengers came with. Its chain is authentic.
Another opinion states: They shut the messenger's mouths with their hands to silence them.
Silencing the callers to Islam and the reformers is an old tactic.
Today, various means are used which are more sophisticated. The callers to Islam must be aware of this.

May you have a morning and evening full of the remembrance of Allah. Whoever says subhaanallah wa bihamdi will have a palm tree planted for him in Paradise.

May you have a morning and evening full of the remembrance of Allah.
Whoever says subhaanallah wa bihamdi will have a palm tree planted for him in Paradise.

O Allah, with your aid we wake up. O Our Lord, purify our hearts. Forgive us. Pardon us. Rectify our intentions and our offspring.

O Allah, with your aid we wake up.
O Our Lord, purify our hearts.
Forgive us.
Pardon us.
Rectify our intentions and our offspring.

The child is a soft clay which we mold based on how we deal with him

The child is a soft clay which we mold based on how we deal with him

كم من مصيبة صرفها الله عنك بسبب فعل خير قمت به ! صنائع المعروف تقي مصارع السوء فاجعل لك معروفـاً لا تنقطع عنه مهما كانت ظروفك..

كم من مصيبة صرفها الله عنك
بسبب فعل خير قمت به !
صنائع المعروف تقي مصارع السوء
فاجعل لك معروفـاً لا تنقطع عنه 
 مهما كانت ظروفك..

الصلاة سعادة وراحة للنفس

الصلاة سعادة وراحة للنفس

الجمعة، 3 فبراير 2017

د سورت فاتحي ترجمه او تفسیر


Пайғамбаримизнинг даъватдаги суннатлари


اسلام میں خواتین کے حقوق


Recherches-tu le bonheur




Who Is Right


Vaganje djela na Sudnjem danu


Memuji yang Terpuji


الخميس، 2 فبراير 2017

Subhaanallah- Allah is free from all imperfections. Alhamdulillaah- All praise is due to Allah. Laa ilaaha illallaah- There is no one worthy of worship except Allah. Allahu Akbar- Allah is the greatest.

Subhaanallah- Allah is free from all imperfections.
Alhamdulillaah- All praise is due to Allah.
Laa ilaaha illallaah- There is no one worthy of worship except Allah.
Allahu Akbar- Allah is the greatest.

subhaanallah, alhamdulillah, laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar

Our beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon Him said, "Saying subhaanallah, alhamdulillah, laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar, is more beloved to me that anything that the sun has shined upon." Reported by Muslim.

No slave of Allah is consistent and constant in seeking forgiveness from Allah except that Allah will remove his worries. (astaghfirullaah; I seek forgiveness from Allah.. Do not forget to seek forgiveness)

No slave of Allah is consistent and constant in seeking forgiveness from Allah except that Allah will remove his worries.
(astaghfirullaah; I seek forgiveness from Allah.. Do not forget to seek forgiveness)

May you have the best morning and evening for your beautiful soul. May you have a morning full of forgivness and success.

May you have the best morning and evening for your beautiful soul.
May you have a morning full of forgivness and success.

When someone we "like" becomes sick, we say it's a test! When someone we "don't like" becomes sick, we say it's a punishment! A piece of advise: Beware of distrubuting Allah's decree based on your desires.

When someone we "like" becomes sick, we say it's a test!
When someone we "don't like" becomes sick, we say it's a punishment!
A piece of advise: Beware of distrubuting Allah's decree based on your desires.

اللّهم إنى أعلم أني عصيتك، ولكنى أحبّ من يطيعك، فاحشرني اللهم مع من تحبهم ويحبونك

اللّهم إنى أعلم أني عصيتك، ولكنى أحبّ من يطيعك، فاحشرني اللهم مع من تحبهم ويحبونك

هدوء وراحة لمن يصلي الصلوات الخمس فهي ركن السعادة وجسر النجاة وهي أعظم دواء للقلق.

هدوء وراحة لمن يصلي الصلوات الخمس فهي ركن السعادة وجسر النجاة وهي أعظم دواء للقلق.

اللهم صبّحنا ببشائر خيرك وأمددنا بوافر جودك واجعل لنا مع نسمات هذا الصباح رزقا وسعادة وعافية

اللهم صبّحنا ببشائر خيرك وأمددنا بوافر جودك واجعل لنا مع نسمات هذا الصباح رزقا وسعادة وعافية

هنيئاً لمن يُكثر هذا اليوم من الصلاة والسلام على سيّد الخلق والمُرسلين حبيبنا ونبينا محمد ﷺ

هنيئاً لمن يُكثر هذا اليوم من الصلاة والسلام على سيّد الخلق والمُرسلين حبيبنا ونبينا محمد ﷺ